The response by Russia to the "cease-fire" proposal by the US has predictably been rejected by Russia (as at 13 March 2025).

President Trump had announced (to our dismay) that money, arms and intelligence sharing would resume to Ukraine. This appeared irrational, at a time when the intention is to de-escalate tensions. Russia views the 30-days ceasefire as merely an opportunity for Ukraine to re-arm and, despite their heavy human losses, to return to battle, now using more long-range missiles systems.
Both Prof Jeffrey Sachs and Col Douglas MacGregor, speaking in the past few days with Tucker Carlson, point out that President Putin is unhappy with being forced to continue a war that takes the lives of Slav Orthodox Christians.
In addition to the Prof Sachs and Col MacGregor interviews, there also have been two excellent discussions, one by three high-profile US podcasters (one of whom was Judge Napolitano) who met with Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s highly esteemed Foreign Minister; and the other was Judge Napolitano on his podcast interviewing Scott Ritter, former Marine Intelligence Officer UN Weapons Inspector. All of these are essential viewing to gain an in-depth perspective of multi-layered issues in this major world crisis.
When this conflict is viewed from the perspective given by all of these highly informed and expert commentators - the ongoing destruction of Christians in our world at a time when Christians are the most persecuted religious community - we can see more clearly the hand of evil forces, cosmic and human, driving the war.
That perspective should be coupled with the knowledge that EU/European leaders and Starmer from the UK are aggressively pushing for a European army, their intention, as with NATO’s eastward expansion since the end of the Cold War, to destroy Russia.
Why is all of this relevant? It is because Russia has been stalwart under President Putin's leadership (and the people of Russia are culturally one with this) in standing for orthodox Christian values. Sergey Lavrov explained this in his discussion with the US podcasters this week and it is one key reason why they have been encouraged by the election of President Trump and, as they put it, “a return to normalcy”.
Currently Russia is the only major power that, top-down and bottom-up, is unified as a bastion of orthodox Christianity. It is therefore understandable that those in rebellion against The Most High, both in the unseen and human realms, will exert maximum force, including perpetual lying and deception, to remove this obstacle.
Russia therefore represents an obstacle to world domination by evil cosmic and human powers.
How much does President Trump understand of this and how much is he (a) being badly advised by those from the Deep State or American "exceptionalists"; (b)being driven by ego and the Biblical description of incorrigible human nature, “the flesh”?
Critics of Russia generally, and President Putin specifically, will offer comments against the nation and him. However, none of my analysis proposes that they are without problems, flaws or other concerns. But then find a nation or leader who is without those, who is perfect. It is an irrelevant and distracting diversion from what is taking place, much as criticisms of President Trump are in light of all he has been doing in fulfilment of his election promises and mandate to “Make America Great Again”.
This is a most serious juncture in the proceedings for peace.
We need to pray that wise counsel, cool heads, righteous motives and inspired judgement will prevail.