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Welcome - Message from Chan Abraham


Leaders above all others can create the conditions for people to flourish. Sadly, most British politicians put ambition for personal enrichment, fame and power above their duty to The People.
Having stood as the Indepdendent MP for Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire, supported by an excellent team and much goodwill from local people, I am determined to continue to work for All Our People and, with your help, to Change Britain for Good despite the appalling failings of the minority Labour government that is wreaking havoc and destruction on our country.

Britain is facing its greatest crisis since 1939.  Every institution upon which we relied has failed. Our nation's leadership has lost touch with the reality of the daily struggles of families, the old, young, vulnerable. Parliament, run by career politicians, many with great wealth, and civil servants, does not represent The British People.  They are bent on a course that opposes the freedoms, sovereignty, compassion and care that are the hallmarks of our way of life, and the reason so many people are drawn to the UK, thousands doing so illegally with no intention of integrating or showing loyalty to our heritage, customs and traditions. We need radical transformation, A People's Parliament, made up of truly Independent MPs.
By all lawful and peaceful means possible, I am determined and passionate to serve as a member of the TEAM of concerned British Citizens, who love our nation, and arecommitted to Change Britain for Good.

Get in touch and be part of this vital Revolution in Britain's Politics - a transformation of our nation that will create a more hopeful and just tomorrow by the actions we take today!


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Expect Positive Change






What kind of leaders are needed in the UK to fix the mess created by our consistently failing politicians? This video answers that question. For at least the past 27 years, under the questionable leadership of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss (45 days), Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer, Britain's fundamental values including trust, respect, family, safeguarding of our children, the rule of law, justice, free speech, work ethic, security of our borders and safety and wellbeing of The British People have been undermined and our Christian heritage dishonoured. Their and their governments' legacy are a broken economy and housing market, crumbling infrastructure, civil service, two-tier and unjust policing and judicial systems and public institutions failing to deliver basic public services having been captured by "woke", cultural Marxist, politically correct and multicultural ideologies, all driven by The State and supported by a State-controlled media, not least the BBC. Britain is at the wrong end of a calamitous slide into darkness and dystopia. it is apparent that UK prime ministers of all backgrounds hold Our Nation and Our People in low esteem, preferring the self-enrichment that comes from their unlawful and undemocratic attempts to surrender Our Sovereignty to a small, wealthy group visible in various manifestations, including the World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organisations. This video goes beyond merely describing the problems. It presents hope, encouragement and lasting solutions through A Renaissance of Leadership. #brokentrust #failingpoliticians #changingbritainforgood #safeguarding #groominggangs #southport #riots #britishvalues #britishpolitician #bbc #defundthebbc #twotierpolicing


By every metric Britain is in decline. This is a 'Sign' of our Times so it is prudent to consider and learn from the experience of previous generations and nations where social, moral and religious declension have occurred. From 627 BC Jeremiah commenced his proclamation of a series of warnings to the ancient southern kingdom of Israel that invasion, destruction and exile were imminent if they didn’t mend their ways. His dire warnings, for which he was dreadfully persecuted and almost killed, were fulfilled when the Babylonian Emperor Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 587 BC. Although Britain is not Israel our nation has been established upon a JudaeoChristian foundation and bears strong resemblance to Israel because of this heritage. This foundation is also the reason why Britain prospered over centuries. It is a spiritual reality that a modern worldview struggles to understand. Facts and history evidence the powerful, beneficial impact that faith in an unseen, loving God bestowed upon the inhabitants of The British Isles over many centuries. The inconvenient truth is that leaders in Britain are directly accountable to A Higher Power than they. Pride and arrogant disregard of fundamental laws, given by The Creator, led to the destruction of a nation and severe consequences for their leaders. There is yet time to turn from this precipitous dash towards calamity and catastrophe. In this video Dr Chan Abraham, having stood as Huntngdon's Independent MP in the UK General Election 2024, n0w calls upon Britain's leaders to take action to turn from that misdirected course and for all of our nation, for all in Britain, to turn as well. #peoplesparliament #britishvalues #saveourdemocracy #independentsday #britishparliament #independents #independentMPs #saveournation #ukgeneralelection2024 #lessonslearned #leadershipinspiration #truthsetsusfree #roadtorenewal


With fears growing in the UK over a major conspiracy of lies and deceit by the Labour government against The People of Britain, we look to the 2024 US Presidential Election for some hope that trust in political leadership can be restored. However, since many Brits continue to consume fake news from our legacy media, my brief video is intended to provide balance by bring facts and truth. Kamala Harris would be the worst President that America could possibly have. She was the worst performer in standing as Democrat Presidential nominee for 2020 and didn’t get a single vote from her own party. Since leaving office in 2021 despite relentless attempts to take him down financially through a weaponised justice system and to assassinate not only his character but to take away his life, Donald Trump has demonstrated extraordinary courage and commitment to his country and his nation. The question that we all should be asking is why has so much been done to exclude Trump from standing for office and what motivate those behind this? America, and thereby the UK and the rest of the world face a real and present danger from forces that evidently are not standing for, but against humanity and peace. They are behind suggestions that martial law could be declared in the US if Trump wins the Presidency. Their intention would be to prevent a peaceful, lawful transition through the normal process of certification on January 6th and inauguration on January 20th. That certainly sounds like a threat to democracy. #uspresidentialelection2024 #donaldtrump #kamalaharris #threattodemocracy #savedemocracy Credit image: Mo Reese Delk

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Promoted by Chan Abraham contactable at ChangingBritainForGood PO Box 773


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